“Back To Basics” Leadership

Christi Hegstad November 17th, 2014


CLARITY KICKSTART: November 17, 2014

Simplicity is less about the number of material things you own than it is about maintaining the pleasures that knit you into the sturdy fabric of life.


Joan Borysenko
Coaching Tip for the Week:


I’m noticing a strong desire among many of my coaching clients these days to go “back to basics.” Whether it’s in how they schedule time, approach a project, or lead their team, they want a simpler, more straightforward way. Do you crave simplicity in your work, leadership, and life?

Our rapidly-advancing world is filled with distractions, excess, and ways to feel overwhelmed. At the same time, we often tend to contribute to the chaos, making things harder than they need to be.

This week, choose one way to simplify your work, leadership, and/or life. Just ONE way. Maybe you shut down electronics after the workday is done so you can focus on other important areas of your life. Perhaps you return to a paper calendar or old-fashioned to-do list. Or you could choose one of the ten items I’ve provided on the accompanying photo. Simplify one area at a time, take a deep breath, then move to the next area.

FOCUS helps with simplifying, and the ASPIRE Success Club specializes in helping you focus on what matters most. Click here to enroll!

Share your thoughts below, on our Facebook page, or via Twitter!

Dr. Christi Hegstad helps you successfully do what you love! As a Certified Executive and Leadership Coach and the President of MAP Professional Development Inc., she develops strong, confident leaders, helping you flourish with clarity, confidence, and meaningful action.

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