Are You Surrounded By Brilliance?

With whom do you choose to surround yourself? How do they impact your mindset - and how do you impact theirs?
Christi Hegstad August 20th, 2018
Coaching Tip:
Do you find yourself surrounded by genius, positivity, and radiance?
By people who inspire and challenge you to fulfill your potential?
Spending time with those who bring out the best in you, and for whom you can do the same, can change the trajectory of every aspect of your life.
Inspired Action:
Determine who in your life inspires you to be your best self, and for whom you believe the feeling is mutual. Contact them this week to arrange a coffee date, walk, or just to check in via phone.
What quality do you admire in others? Share your thoughts here!
Check This Out:
Click here to ‘raise your average’ with other brilliant achievers! Your future self will thank you for it.

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