Are You A Courageous Leader?

Christi Hegstad September 1st, 2014

CLARITY KICKSTART: September 1, 2014

Integrity in leadership requires courage – including the courage to do the right thing, even when it’s hard. To see this kind of courage in the lives of those around us inspires us all to be more courageous.


S. M. R. Covey 
Coaching Tip for the Week:


On a scale from 1 to 10, how courageous are you as a leader?

Do you routinely stand up for what is right, hold the difficult but necessary conversations, keep commitments, and make hard choices?

Or do you fly under the radar, wait for challenges to ‘work themselves out,’ and avoid anything that may rock the boat?

There’s an old country song with the lyrics, “You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.” Standing up for something – whether for a tough but needed decision, for someone who’s been wronged, for the truth, or for one of your core values – takes courage. It’s much easier to act oblivious or rely on the tired standby, “That’s not my job.”

This week, prove your courage to yourself. Initiate a conversation that you’ve been putting off, respectfully voice your views, say YES to an opportunity that excites you even if you don’t know 100% how to pull it off yet. If it’s been a while since you’ve flexed your courage muscle, start with something small and work your way up.

With every small, courageous step you take, you will strengthen your integrity, serve as a model for others, and trust yourself and your leadership more and more.

COURAGE is one of our focal points at Spark! Click here to join us – we’re nearly filled up!

How have you seen a leader show courage? Share your thoughts below, on our Facebook page, or via Twitter


Dr. Christi Hegstad helps you successfully do what you love! As a Certified Executive and Leadership Coach and the President of MAP Professional Development Inc., she coaches executives and leaders to get unstuck – whether in your leadership ability, income level, or from spinning your wheels in the day-to-day – and flourish in meaningful work. 

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