A New Way To Ask For Help

Christi Hegstad November 9th, 2015

“Sometimes, reaching out and taking someone’s hand is the beginning of a journey. At other times, it is allowing another to take yours.”
Vera Nazarian

Coaching Tip for the Week:

So…how are you at asking for help?

I met with a coaching client last week who admitted the lengths she had to go to initially reach out to me. “I thought I should be able to figure things out on my own,” she expressed. “I felt like reaching out for help was failure, but I see now that it’s actually the opposite.”

It feels amazing to help others, doesn’t it?

So why do we struggle so much to ask for help ourselves?

Reaching out for help – confidently, unashamedly – is one of the greatest qualities you can model for others. We are built for community, and no one gets through this ride called life alone. The sooner we embrace that, the better off we all are.

This week, reach out for help. If this does not come naturally, try this:

Think about a time when someone came to you for help, when they entrusted you with their challenge and you were able to help them get from where they were to where they wanted to be.

How did that feel for you? Did you feel honored? Strong? Purposeful?

Now, give someone else the opportunity to feel that way. Choose someone you can trust, remind yourself that seeking help is a sign of strength, and go. 

Nine times out of ten, the only question you’ll ask yourself is, “Why didn’t I reach out sooner?!”

Share your thoughts with us below, on Facebook and Twitter!   

I am beyond excited to share the Spark experience with 100 inspiring, positive, ask-me-for-help-anytime women this Friday. Only 2 spots left – click here if one of them is yours! 

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