5 ways to proceed with purpose:
1. Consult your VALUES when making decisions. Like an internal lighthouse, they’re always shining to guide you. Choose in favor of your core values.
2. CREATE before you consume. Consider your priorities, discern who/how you wish to be in the world today, write or plan or envision a bit before inviting outside voices (ie, social media or news headlines).
3. Shift your PERSPECTIVE. Before (or ideally, instead of) judging, consider what might lead someone to think differently than you. Ask questions when you can. Empathy goes a lot further than assumption.
4. Invite the LESSON. I frequently ask ‘What might I learn from this?’ or ‘How might this help me grow?’ I’m not always *ready* for the lesson, but I appreciate knowing one exists. Especially in difficulty.
5. Pause periodically and ask WHY before acting. You may find a household chore rises above the mundane when you consider how it benefits your family. You may opt for the outdoor walk over the TV, or the gentle word over the harsh one, when you consider the ‘why.’
Whether you’re pondering a career change, heading out to vote, or simply checking your email, proceed with purpose.
It truly can make all the difference!
Christi Hegstad, PhD, PCC is the Certified Executive + Personal Coach for Achievers, here to help you bring your purpose to work, leadership, and life! Reach out today to learn more.