5 Ideas For Enhancing Meaning + Purpose In The Workplace

The ideas are fairly straightforward and simple, but what a powerful difference they can make!
Christi Hegstad September 26th, 2024

Creating a culture of meaning + purpose isn’t a one-time to-do list item – but it doesn’t necessarily require a complete overhaul, either. Here are five ideas your workplace could implement to begin enhancing a greater sense of meaning + purpose:

1. Connect the dots with organizational values.

For example, highlight one of your company’s values each month. Then at the monthly department meeting, invite team members to share examples of how they saw people putting that value into action.

2. Launch a book club.

But rather than ‘do more in less time’ types of books, encourage titles focused on *personal* growth. Topics like mindset, strengths, creativity, or work/life balance often spark great insights.

3. Encourage writing individual Purpose Statements.

It’s powerful when people see how their own personal purpose aligns with their organizational one! See my blog yesterday – as well as the Write Your Purpose Statement home study course – for help with this.

4. Bookend meetings with positivity.

Consider starting meetings with each participant sharing a quick win, and ending with everyone sharing a takeaway, next inspired action, or ‘something I learned today.’ This can set the tone, enhance communication, and offer a sense of connection.

5. Ask individuals what makes work meaningful.

‘Meaningful work’ means different things to different people. Try asking in your 1:1 meetings what they find meaningful, or encourage reflection on the topic. Meaningful work doesn’t automatically come with a certain title or role – it depends on our values, purpose, and the like.

How else might you enhance meaning + purpose at work? Reflect on ideas that come to mind, share thoughts below, and feel free to contact me if I can assist you/your workplace in this important endeavor. It truly can be a game-changer!

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