I recently shared on social media the last three words of my Purpose Statement:
Inspire Positive Action!
Below are twelve quotes that inspire me into positive action, and I hope they do the same for you!
You have so many strengths, gifts, and talents – please don’t hold them back!
Turn that elusive ‘someday’ into today.
Just start – even if it’s an imperfect start.
Focus your energy and attention on what you’d like to see more of in the world.
Like a lighthouse that stands strong and shines bright regardless of the circumstances around it, so too is our purpose. (P.S. Want to write your own personal Purpose Statement? Make sure you’re on our mailing list to receive word of our next coaching group!)
Make decisions from a place of strength and beauty.
You can be both strong and gentle – and both will serve you well.
View failure as one of many stepping stones of success – one to be embraced rather than feared or avoided.
No need to compare yourself to anyone; just strive to be your best self!
How do YOU define a beautiful day?
Even when much seems out of your control, you always have the power to choose your mindset.
An especially helpful reminder during these current times, am I right?
Wishing you a day – and a life! – filled with meaning, purpose, and positive action!
Let me know on Instagram or Facebook which one speaks to you the most!
Christi Hegstad, PhD, PCC is the Certified Executive + Personal Coach for difference-making achievers! Clarify your vision, free up time, and confidently reach bold goals with meaning and purpose! Contact us today for coaching, speaking, and Mastermind opportunities, or click here and fill in the blue box to join our email community.