10 Traits of a Workplace Champion

Christi Hegstad October 31st, 2013

As an executive and career coach, I have the privilege of working with successful leaders every day. Over the years I have noticed certain traits workplace champions tend to share, such as the 10 listed below:

1. Champions remain open. They are willing to hear new ideas, try creative approaches, and are receptive to feedback. They acknowledge the difference between knowing something and doing it.

2. Champions develop others. They encourage, model, teach, and give appropriate credit. Like John C. Maxwell says, a leader without any followers is just someone out for a walk.

3. Champions focus on solutions. When something goes wrong, rather than complaining, whining, or blaming, champions look for ways to right the wrong and move forward.

4. Champions take chances. Nothing in work or life is guaranteed. When champions have an idea, they set it in motion, knowing that success builds success and failure means growth.

5. Champions seek support. They know that asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. They’re not afraid to reach out to leaders, teammates, coaches and others.

6. Champions direct energy on what they can do. With strong self-awareness, champions leverage their strengths. They also let go of what’s out of their control and instead focus on what they can influence and change. 

7. Champions innovate. The only constant is change, and champions embrace new ideas, critical thinking, and doing things differently from “the way they’ve always been done.”

8. Champions make development a priority. They seek certifications, hire coaches, join mastermind groups and roundtables, and know that professional development is an investment that benefits them, their relationships, their organization, and their ultimate success.

9. Champions remain true to themselves. They don’t leave their personality at the door or put on a mask of falsity when they enter the office. They act in accordance with their values, both in and out of the workplace.

10. Champions work with heart. They always remember that they work with people – people who have feelings, dreams, and hopes. They strive to make a positive difference and change the world – or at least their corner of it – for the better.

How are YOU a workplace champion? What would you add to the list? Share your thoughts below, on Facebook, or via Twitter!

Dr. Christi Hegstad helps you successfully do what you love! As President of MAP Professional Development Inc., she coaches professionals to get unstuck and reach Bold Goals with clarity, confidence, and meaningful action. 

Learn more at www.meaning-and-purpose.com and follow Dr. Christi on Facebook and Twitter.

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