10 Quick, Purposeful Ideas for Work and Life

Christi Hegstad August 15th, 2016

I’ve had so much fun lately speaking with a huge variety of groups – Habitat for Humanity, several banks and financial institutions, United Way, ChildServe, and leadership institutes across the state, to name a few. Whether we’re working at their monthly staff meeting or annual retreat, the energy of the professionals in attendance has been palpable and they are clearly making significant, positive contributions to the world!

Whomever the audience, I find that several tips resonate across the board. As we approach a new season and school year (read: fresh start!), I thought I’d share 10 of these widely applicable, highly resonant, quick, purposeful tips with you. Let me know on Facebook which one speaks to you the most! 

1. Start with a win. Begin your staff meetings, one-on-ones, or dinner conversations with everyone sharing a win. This elevates the energy and allows for celebration and recognition.

 2. Say thank you. One of the top reasons people leave their jobs is due to a lack of appreciation or feeling like their work doesn’t matter. A sincere note or comment of gratitude can make all the difference.


3. Create a Life List. Identify 100 dreams you’d love to bring to reality if you had unlimited resources. Encourage others to create their Life List as well, and share ideas.


4. Track your #1 developing habit. Whether you want to make 10 daily prospecting calls or drink 8 glasses of water each day, create a chart (or order a Purpose Planner, available again next month) and track it. You attract what you track!


5. Enlighten your mornings. (Even if you’re not a morning person!) Start your day with intention: gratitude, journaling, exercise, or any of the ideas you find here.


6. Take a break. Whether an afternoon museum tour or a week in the Bahamas, give your mind an (ideally unplugged) break.


7. Systematize. Systems liberate you. Create systems wherever possible, from email autoresponders to checklists for frequent tasks.

 8. Speak your truth. Ask for what you want. Say what you need. Live aligned with your values.

 9. Change your scenery. Hold your one-on-one meetings while out for a walk, bring your project to the park, or take a new route home. Shake things up!

 10. Stretch yourself. Physically, yes, but how about also applying for that promotion or reaching for that new leadership role? When we stretch, we grow!


Want more tips, plus a much deeper dive into what will motivate and inspire you to make your difference in the world? Join me at Spark on November 4Click here while Earlybird Rates still apply.

Which tip will you implement? Share your thoughts on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram


Dr. Christi Hegstad coaches you to live, work, and lead with meaning and purpose! 

A certified and award-winning coach, author, and speaker, Christi is a recognized leadership and professional development expert. She has received such honors as NAWBO Iowa Business Owner of the Year, Forty Under 40, Forbes Coaches Council, and is current president of ICF Iowa. She is a frequently sought-after speaker and writer, contributing to Forbes, The Huffington Post, Des Moines Business Record, ICF, and more. 

Connect with Christi on FacebookTwitterInstagram, or by email.


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