If You’re Going To Make Assumptions…

We often treat our assumptions as fact, which can stunt our growth and halt our dreams. How can you challenge those assumptions?
Christi Hegstad May 8th, 2017
In my work as a coach, I find that assumptions often keep us from pursuing our goals or dreams. This frequently happens without us even realizing it, because we’ve begun treating our assumptions as fact. Some examples:
“I’d love to move or cancel some of my longstanding meetings but no one would go for that.”
“I’d love to speak at XYZ event but they’d never consider me.”
“I’d love to work in a nonprofit but I’d never make enough money.”
“I’d love to start my own business but I could never make it work.”
This week, challenge your assumptions
One of the best ways to do this? First, of course, you must be aware of your assumptions. If you instantly discount an idea, quiet a dream, or hear yourself saying, “I’d love to but…”, pause and question.
Then, go on a fact-finding mission. See if you can disprove your assumptions!
Assumptions can keep us stuck so much longer than necessary. Like I shared on Instagram this week, if you’re going to dwell, what if you dwell on your successes? If you’re going to overthink, what if you overthink your gratitudes and blessings? And if you’re going to make assumptions, what if you assume the best?

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