Seven Podcasts To Support Your Growth

Whether driving to work, out on a walk, at the gym, or relaxing by the fire, these podcasts will fuel your mind as you go!
Christi Hegstad October 13th, 2017

Oddly, as much as I love to read, I rarely listen to audiobooks. I do, however, admit to a mild (and by mild, I mean major) addiction to podcasts. Whenever I am in the car, out for a walk, or doing tasks around the house, you can safely bet that I am either singing along to my eclectic playlist or listening to a podcast.

While I could recommend at least 30 of them, here are a few that focus on personal/professional growth and that I find myself recommending frequently to clients, friends, on Instagram, and beyond:

The Living Experiment – Although labeled a fitness and nutrition podcast, I always connect Dallas Hartwig and Pilar Gerasimo’s topics to mindset, career, and personal growth. They back their ideas in research and end each episode with actions – experiments – to help listeners live well.

High-Performance Mindset – Dr. Cindra Kamphoff interviews high performers, often from the world of athletics, to discuss ways to master your mindset, pursue big goals, and persevere through obstacles.

Being Boss – “Being Boss is owning who you are and making things happen,” their podcast description states, and entrepreneurs Emily Thompson and Kathleen Shannon do a terrific job of this. Some episodes share their habits and tactics; others include interviews from bosses like Marie Forleo, Brene Brown, Danielle LaPorte, and more.

The Sonya Looney Show – An engineer by trade who became a world-champion mountain biker, Sonya has quite an interesting story to tell. Most episodes also include interviews with authors, Olympic athletes, and high-achieving individuals, and her questions for them lead to practical, insightful action steps.

What Should I Read Next? – I typically listen to this the day it comes out. Anne Bogel speaks with a reader each week, asking them three of their favorite books, one book they dislike, and what they’re currently reading. She then does a bit of literary matchmaking and suggests three books she thinks they’d enjoy next. If you’re a reader, just start adding to your reading fund or notifying your library of upcoming massive requests now.

How I Built This – Guy Raz interviews inventors, entrepreneurs, big dreamers, and innovators, getting into detail about their victories and failures and everything in between. This podcast is high-quality, thoughtful, and intriguing; I’d also recommend Fresh Air, This American Life, and anything else NPR produces.

Pursuit With Purpose – I’ve just discovered this one but have liked every episode I’ve heard so far. Exhausted by ‘the rat race of competition and comparison,’ Melyssa Griffin decided to change her life in pursuit of greater meaning and fulfillment, and interviews a variety of top-notch folks to share their tips and techniques in this regard.

What do you listen to? Feel free to offer your recommendations below or on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter!

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