Purpose, Connection, and Humanity

As you evaluate your year thus far, don't forget a key area for meaningful growth and contribution: Your connections.
Christi Hegstad July 6th, 2017
We find our humanity…in our connections to one another.
Sheryl Sandberg & Adam Grant
Coaching Tip of the Week:
Recently, I’ve shared several tools and resources via my social media accounts (InstagramFacebook, and Twitter, in particular) to help you assess your year so far. It’s hard to believe we’ve completed the first half of 2017 already!
As you evaluate your goals, review your metrics, and make adjustments for the second half of 2017, don’t forget one of the most important areas for meaningful growth and contribution: Your connections. Connection with your passions and purpose, with the “bigger picture” of your work, and with other people.
This week, intentionally make connections with others
Invite a colleague out for lunch and learn more about him.
Schedule a one-on-one meeting with a new employee and ask about her strengths, favorite skills, and what motivates her.
Make eye contact. Shut down electronic devices more. Connect on a meaningful level.
Let each person you meet this week know that they matter!

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