Are You Pollyanna In Rose-Colored Glasses?

Positivity does not mean you ignore injustices, avoid sadness, or stick your head in the sand. Here's what it is and how it can fuel you.
Christi Hegstad August 28th, 2017
Coaching Tip of the Week:
Do you tend to live with a glass-half-full mentality?
Like a muscle, you can actually build your positivity. With practice, conscious awareness, and tools like those I share with my coaching clients, you can raise your positivity quotient and live, work, and lead with greater effectiveness as a result.
Living positively isn’t about ignoring the difficulties, injustices, and challenges. It’s not about sticking your head in the sand. It is, however, about not dwelling in negativity but rather focusing more energy on what’s going right and what actions you can take to improve things.
It breaks my heart to think of kiddos not getting an education or learning to read, for example. So I ask myself, “What can I do?” and then I do what I can – like donating a portion of all Spark registrations to an organization that builds schools, for example.
Positivity is a mindset shift that can truly change everything.
This week, look for – and take action on – the silver lining
You may be called Pollyanna.
You may be asked to take off your rose-colored glasses.
You may even be told to ‘get real’ or ‘wake up.’
But who cares? You’ll be changing your life, bringing perspective, elevating those around you, and changing the world in a much more profound way than if you dwell in the negative.
And personally, I think you look great in rose-colored glasses!

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