A Key Component to Mini-Goals and Fresh Habits

The onset of a new season is a delightful time to create a fresh mini-goal or develop a new habit. But don't forget this key component!
Christi Hegstad October 11th, 2017

While I love all the seasons, and experiencing them in detail is one reason I adore the Midwest, I must admit: Fall is my favorite. Between the beautifully changing scenery, blue-jeans-and-sweatshirt weather, cool breezes, bonfires, and pumpkin everything, I savor this brief but colorful season.

For much of my life, I’ve noticed an uptick in motivation, focus, and drive when autumn rolls around. I imagine this has been prompted in large part by the start of the school year, but lately, I’ve realized I need to give credit to the season itself. Something about fall transforms me – and encourages me to transform my ways of operating, too.

So for the past 10 years or so, my sister and I have planned for and celebrated what we call Fall Transformation. Much like turning the calendar to a new year, we create fresh mini-goals, new habits, and basically decide how our lives will be different at the end of the season. This year we even scheduled our annual sister roadtrip to coincide not only with a creative business planning retreat but also the onset of fall. My furry nephew, Merle (pictured below), joined us as well. It was magical!


As one of my Fall Transformation mini-goals, I decided to blog every day for 30 days. While I journal daily, and typically blog once or twice a week, I wanted to step up my writing game for a number of reasons. A daily blog, for a limited time, seemed the perfect challenge.

And you’re reading #25, so I’m almost there!

One key to a successful Fall Transformation – or any goal, activity, or project, really – involves tracking. While some things may need to be tracked in a formalized system, I recommend reconnecting with your inner second-grader for tracking some of your simple personal goals or habits. Gold foil stars, smiley-face stickers, or a chart you’ve drawn by hand (like my 30 Days Of Blogging leaf below) can tap into your creativity, inspire you to continue the necessary actions, and have a little childlike fun in the process!

Consider giving this a try! What would you like to do for the next 15, 30, or 90 days? What would kickstart a goal that you’d like to achieve by the end of the year?

Buy a box of crayons, let your inner child out to play, and enjoy your Fall Transformation!

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