Your Greatest Motivator and Clarity-Finder

When it all feels overwhelming, how do you decide what action to take next? Here's one thing you can always rely on.
Christi Hegstad October 9th, 2017
“I survived because the fire within me burned brighter than the fire around me.” 
Coaching Tip of the Week:
Whew. To say there’s a lot going on in our world is an understatement, wouldn’t you agree? I’ve heard several people say they just want to crawl back in bed for a while until things get figured out.
Tempting, sure. But effective?
As I mentioned in a recent blog, you first and foremost have the right to feel your feelings.
Then, if you’re anything like me, you need to take action.
And what will fuel your action? What will keep the fire within you burning brighter than anything else?
Your values and your purpose.
This week, act in accordance with your values. 
As I mentioned in that same blog, the line of an old country song says, “You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.” What do you stand for? What matters most?
Get clear on that, and act accordingly. Your values and your purpose will burn brighter – and help you be stronger – than anything going on around you.
If you’re unsure about your values, join us for Spark – you’ll get my Values Clarification exercise and crystal clear about your values before we even meet!
Let your values guide your actions! They will not lead you astray.
Clarify your values, write your Purpose Statement, then design your work and life to honor them! Click here to learn how.

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